viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009


The definition of technology says that "technology is the body of knowledge that can make objects and machines to adapt the environment and meet our needs".
These days, technology plays an important role in our society, because it has provived life in many aspects such as the progress that has taken the new scientific discoveries, and not only seen the importance of technologies in the area of science, also, the technology is integrated in the political, economic and social development, among others. In the health area, the use of technology is very important, because it allowed us discover new ways to solve health people problems.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

challenges in my discipline

Hi everybody, today I have to talk about important callenges that my discipline, obstetrics, is currently facing.

In the visits that I have made to clinics and hospitals during this year, I could appreciate the level of technology that the midwives were using with the users. In general they were appropiate, but somethings called my atention. For example, to take the pressure, now they use electric machines, not like before, where they took the pressure with stethoscope and taking the radial and brachial pulse. Another thing that I noticed is the quality of the gloves that were deliver at clinics. They were bad, I mean, everytime that the midwife put a glove in her hand they broke.
I think that the government should contribute more money to what concerns the health technology, because the area of health is very important to society, they use it everytime, so the implements have to be of the highest quality, especially in public health centers that are the most visited by the society.

What respect social matters, the midwives are well paid, society sees midwives as a health professional, able to give goods diagnostics, but also, they see them as someone to trust. But something that I really hate is that the gynecologists are doing the work of midwives. They attend deliveries and midwives are subordinated by them, but it doesn't happend everywhere, just in some hospitals. In this case I don't know what to do to change it, because there is a law that says that midwives are responsible to assist normal deliveries, and they manage their team.

One of the most important roles of the midwives is the education. They educate the society about the sexual area, giving talks at clinics. They educate about birth control, or Sexual Transmission Diseases (DTS), for example. But I realized that the society is not interested in being educated. The clinics advertise about this talks through leaflets or posters, but these means of advertising are not so effective. I think that the ministry of health should do more advertising on television or radio, at the peack hours.

take care! bye bye.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

My faculty

In this moment all the people in my faculty are focussed on the studies because it is the end of the semester. Before, on fridays, all the students used to go to "Blest place" at the end of the day to have fun with their friends. Now that place is a desert. There are more people in the library studying or doing some works with their clasemates.
My faculty is dark, wet and a little bit fearful, there are a few iluminated places, the buildings are cold, but the auditoriums are okey, some of them have air conditioning.
I think that the buildings need color, if they are painted the faculty would be more happy, not so serious. There are some paintings on the walls, but I don't like them and they look so old, without brightness. The university could make a mural contest, by career, or something like that, once a year, and the students could paint murals of some topic.
Maybe, if those walls were painted with nice colors, the faculty will look so much beautiful and full of life, so the students wouldn't be so stressed, it could be more motivating to come to classes.
Also, the green areas, like the "Blest place", are a little worn. There are not so many grass on the floor and they contribute to my university looks more dark too. In this case, it could plant some grass, and just put signs that say "keep off the grass".
Well that's all for today.
Bye bye.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009


Hello everybody!
This friday I have to talk about my hobbies.
I think that I have a lot of hobbies, but my favorite one is to play the guitar. Since I was a child I have loved music. In my house the radio is always on. I tried to play guitar when I was 6 or 7 years, with my uncle's guitar, but it was so big to me, and also I am left, so my uncle tried to teach me to play with my right hand, like he plays but I couldn't. Then after growing up, when I was 16 years, my dad gave me an acustic guitar for my birthday, but guess what, the strings of the guitar were made for the deft touch. So I pulled the strings on, and then I put them again, but by the left side. So I learned so much easier and faster to play it.
To play excelent the guitar, you must have agility in the fingers, to move them easily, especially, if you want to play "solos", to get it, you have to practice a lot, but I don't like the extended songs, or to play like Jimmy Hendrix. My favorite music is the punk rock, and to play songs like that you don't need much skill, because the songs are bief, and they have at most three chords .
Maybe this hobbie, helps me to be more relaxed or more happy I don't know. For me is like a therapy, because when I'm stressed, I just took my guitar and I play my favorite songs and then I feel so good, I feel good about myself and I'm more relaxed.
I tried to form bands, but they didn't work, no one commited with no one, so I decided to play individually. Also, now I don't have much time to play in a band, but sometimes I play with my boyfriend (he plays drums).
That's all :)
bye bye.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009


Hi everybody! today I have to talk about the holidays, the best part of the year.
Well, my last holidays were not so interesting because I just travel to the beach every year, but the last summer I went to the south of chile, to the Calafquen Lake with my boyfriend's family, and it was so enterteining. With the brothers and the cousin of my boyfriend, we went to the Huerquehue National Park. It has the caburgua lake, wich is very known because the president Michelle Bachellet has a house there, but we didn't see it jojo. The place is very beautiful, we walked through beautiful places, they were like landscapes of calendars. It was so green, I wish I could stay there now.

After that the classes are gone, I am going to go, with my boyfriend to NEW YORK CITY, the best city of the world, and yes I am excited. I think that it will be the best trip of my life.
we will leave Chile one day before christmas, so we are going to pass the christmas there, and the new year too and my BIRTHDAY TOO. it will be fabulous.
Well, we want to go to every part of the city, that's why we are going to go like one month, a little bit more.
we are going to go to the most famous museums, like Museum of Modern Art, as known as MOMA, the American Museum Of National History wich now represents one of the most important scientific and cultural institutions in the world, the Museum Metropolitan, as known as MET, wich is the most important museoum of the United States.
Of course we are going to go to the statue of liberty, the symbol of new york. Also we are going to go to the Bronx Zoo, to Chinatown wich is in Manhattan, next to Little Italy, wich we will visit too.
There are another places very interesting, but they are interesting to us, to my boyfriend and I. New York City calls our attention because it is the cot of the punk rock, I mean, the Ramones born there and another punk bands. They played in the famous CBGB'S that now is close, but we want to visit it too. There are a street called Joey Ramone Place (Joey was the singer of the ramones) wich is next to the CBGB'S.

We are going to stay in the house of the Francisco's uncle (Francisco is the name of my boyfriend).

That's all my friends!
see you soon.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

Menopause: What are the symptoms?

When the hormone levels of yor body start to change, the menopause starts to appear too, but the symptoms begin in the years leading up to it.

The hormones are chemicals that the body produce. They travel through the blood and they execute their function on other parts of the body. Some of them are the famale hormones like Oestrogen wich is very important in the woman's body development in puberty, because it makes the breast grow, for example.
During the menopause, a woman can experience physical and emotional changes like dry vagina or you can find yorself feeling down.
Some of the symptomps are:
- Irregular periods
- Hot flushes
- Night sweats
- Problems sleeping
- Dry vagina and pain having sex
- Urinary troubles and infections
- Losing interest in sex
- Weight gain
- Changes in your body
- Feeling low or depressed

Not all the women have these symtoms. Maybe you can have no problems in your menopause, or you can have severe symptoms.
The experts are not shure if this changes that happend on your body are caused by changes in your hormone levels or because another causes like emotional problems that the woman has at this time of her life or just the aging.

All the women will live this experience, so the called is to take care when you get there.

here is the link:

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

what to do/ where to go in Santiago

Santiago of Chile, has a lot of interesting places that you can visit, maybe in less of one week, because they are very close of each other.
In the center of Santiago you can find almost all of them, like the presidential house, "La Moneda", wich is very near of the most famous square of Chile, Plaza de Armas. You can take a walk on the alleys, they are next to the plaza de armas, like the Paseo Ahumada, or the Paseo Estado. They have a lot of galleries where you can go to shopping or to eat something.
The green areas are represented in Santiago by the Cerro San Cristobal, the metropolitan park, wich is on the center too. There you can go to visit the Metropolitan Zoo, where you can see beautiful animals like elephants, penguins, camells, flamingos, etc. Also, you can go up to the top of the hill, by a cablecar, there you can find a big white virgin where you can pray or just look the big Santiago.
Also exist another hill, the Cerro Santa Lucia, which is more little than the Cerro San Cristobal.
There are other green areas, like the Forestal Park, wich is on the center too, or the Ohiggin's Park, wich is very big.
The museums that you should visit are the Natural History National Museum, wich is in the Quinta Normal Park, there you can see stuffed animals and ancient mummies too.
If you want to see paintings, you have to visit the Bellas Artes Museum, wich is next to the Forestal Park.
I think that these places are the most important of Santiago, or the most interesting, you will have fun in all of them.
To get to all this places that I mention you just have to take the subway, it will takes you to anyplace that you want.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

My opinion of Transantiago

Hi everybody! Today I'm going to talk about Transantiago.
Before that this transportation system appears in Santiago, my locomotion always was the subway. I rarely used the bus to go to my school, for example.
I have to say that I don't like this new system because I'm still using the subway, and when Transantiago appeared, the subway colapsed and of course it became everything worse, because now all the people is stressed and they fight with each other and there are more insecurity because is very easy to steal someone else things.
When Transantiago began the city was a chaos. I remember me watching the news on the TV, and they showed how people were hanging from the enter door, because the buses never passed, and they were very angry and upset and they blame to Iván Zamorano of all that catastrophe too, because he was the Transantiago's public face.
Now I'm used of all the things that the Transantiago brought to the city, but I still hate when the subway is full in the morning, or in the afternoon, and when someone else discusses or even yells to another person in the subway or in the buses. Is very stressful.
If I was the presindent or the transport minister or even God, the changes that I could do would be to add more buses on the city and more tours, even in the periphery or just give a massage to everybody.
Well taht's all.
See you soon. bye.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

Well, it is not easy to say which is the country that I would like to visit because I love many places in this world that aren't in just one country, but my favorite one definitely is the United Sates of America, specially the state of New York. But the best of it, is that I will travel to that city this summer! I think that it will be the best trip of my life.
I like that country because there are a lot of amazing things, like well-known monuments, and I think that New York is the city that meets all that things, like the statue of liberty, broadway, the empire state, etc. That's why people call it "the city of the world".
I will try to visit everything. I will spend the christmas and the new year there, and my birthday too, so it would be very nice. Also, the chinese new year is in January so, I will try to go to chinatown that day.
I will go to the statue of liberty, manhattan, the empire state, time square, the bronx zoo, central park, the Moma, Coney Island, and another really interesting places tath are in there.
I would like to work there, but I don't know if in New York, I think that is a nice place to visit, but I don't know, I imagine that is a stressed city to work in there, but there are another beautiful cities in the USA. If I have to choose a country to spend my life, USA is not my first option because it cause me insecurity. I prefer to live in my country, Chile, but, I would like to live in Amsterdam, Netherlands, orParis, France too, because they are really beautiful cities.
Tath's all friends! bye.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

my experiences during the first term

Hi again! Today I'm going to talk about how was my experience and the things that I do during the first term.
Well, the last therm was very exhausting, but I think that this will be worse, because I have anatomy and I realized that I have to be studying all the time, but well, that's not the point.

The last therm I had 7 subjects, includying english, and the most difficult of them was biology because it was an integry subject with celular biology, gentics and embryology. The last was my favorite one, because I learned really interesting things like how to calculate the age of the embryo, when starts the develop of the different organs and all that stuff that I think that are really important for my career. and I had other subjects like chemistry, mathematics, biochemistry that were very hard, specially biochemistry because it was a big tangle of words, but I like biochemistry. Also I had a nursing subject were I learned how to do a physical review, and another subject that was like humanist, it was relationated with psychology and antropology. It was very interesting.

When I was in my free time I just slept haha, no, no, I mean, yes but not all of the time. I was at home or in my boyfriend's house, sometimes we went out to a restaurant called "Subway" where you eat sandwiches and you can choose the ingredients, it's delicious. And I play guitar, so I did it too.
Sometimes I had doubts about my vocation, and I still have it, but I like this career so I'm thinking in stay here till the end.

Well, that's all.
see you soon. bye bye.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

Hi everybody!
Today is my last day writing bloggs and guess what! This blogg is about bloggs and how was my experience with them.
I have to say that I didn't really like it that much because is hard to have creativity in your mind at the end of the day, especially on fridays, when the brain is so tired. But the experience that I lived here, all the weekends, writing and writing and writing was very lovely. I liked to be here with my classmates and Miss Clara Nora, because the ambience was friendly, warm and so funny too. Also, the bloggs help me a lot improving my english. I learnt many words and concepts that I didn't know before and not just here on fridays, in classes on wednesday too.
In my opinion, is very original and helpful the use of the bloggs to learnt the different languages, because you are writing all the time and improving your vocabulary, grammar and your redaction. Also is easy to use it and it's not like writing in a notebook, it's much fast and if you don't like what you wrote, you just have to click a button and in one second the text is deleted.
But, on the other hand, I think that is a little risky the use of internet especially if you have an account wich has private information about you. But anyway, is not that bad, if it were that way none would uses pages like facebook or fotolog or even blogger.
But well, in conclusion I spend a great moment here, my experience with the bloggs was sometimes good sometimes not good, but I liked the funny and relaxing ambient. It was wonderful to arrive here at the end of the week and had fun.
That's all.
good byee forever.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

Sir Ken Robinson gave a talk that treats a really interesting topic: How schools don't integrate the creativity to the children's education.
In his entertaining talk he tries to give a different veiw about the education that are receiving the children during all this time. Schools don't educate about creativity in a wide way, and that is a biggest mistake because there are missing good talents or they are not bearing them in mind so that kids aren't paying as they can. He gave an example, of a knowing dancer and choreographer, Gillian Lynne. She was desperate because her school sent a letter to her parents saying that they thought that Gillian had a learning disorder, she couldn't concentrate, so her mother take her to a specialist, and while her mother was talking with him she was dancing outside at the rhythm of the music and the doctor saw her and he told to the mother that she wasn't insane, that she was a dancer.
I agree with him, in all what he said, because I lived that. In the inside of me I always wanted to be musician, but in my school, my teachers never taught me music like they taught me mathematics, I mean, they taught me in only two years that subject that I think that is very important because I really can't imagine me how life could be with out it.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job

Hi people! Today I'm going to talk about my ideal job.
I'm very dreamer, so I'm always dreaming about the future.
Every time that I think about my ideal job I think many many things, so I really don't know exactly what is my ideal job, but the one who I like the most of all that thoughts is being an obstetrician. Yes, what I'm studying.
I think that to be a good professional I have to be very charismatic, warm and devoted because if I'm going to work in this area, I mean the health area, is required have all that qualities, because I'm going to work with persons. Also I have to be careful with the mother and the newborn especially.

I think that I'm going to be good at this job, because every time that I watch a childbirth on the TV, for example, I get exited, and I like to treat with people, and help them to be healthy.

Everyday a baby born, so I don't think that it would be difficult to find a job like this. And I heard that a professional of health is always required, so when I finish my studies I will get a job immediately jajaja, perhaps.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

At the beginning of this term, I didn't have a favorite subject, also I hated all my subjects, but suddenly embryology came to me and I felt in love with it. Embryology is the section of biology which treats of the development of the embryo.
Well I have a lot of teachers in this subject, but Mariana Rojas is the teacher with who I spend more time because she is my practice professor.
I like this subject because it allows me to know everything about the beautiful process of the development of the embryo and how things happen.
At present, I learnt how the different parts of the embryo get form, like the heart, extremities, fingers,face, etc. Also I learnt how to calculate the age of the embryo and many of names of structres that are very difficult to learn.
I hope that this term finish with a very good mark.

My future

hi everyone!
Today I'm going to talk about my future, the future that I want.
Like I said before, I really wanted to be a nurse, but now I'm confused. I love my career and wath a midwife does, like to atend childbirths or be there cheking the woman's pregnancy. I would like to be studying nursering, to be a nurse/midwife, or doing a postgrade about something that I really like.

I hope to be working to have all the things that I want. I hope to be with my boyfriend and traveling with him around the world, knowing all the places that we love. That's why I will work harder, and my boyfriend too jaja.
Of course I will have my own home, my own house or apartment, with my own car (I hope so).
I love cats and dogs, so I will have one cat first, then two, and then I will have "kiltros", I mean, street dogs, because I don't like to pay to have an animal.

so that's all.
bye bye.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

the best in my area

I have a teacher of embryology, she is Mariana Rojas, a veterinary. Dra. Mariana Rojas, at present, is a professor asocieted to the morphologic program of the Medicine School of the University of Chile and she makes her specialization in reproduction biology in Spain. Also, she leads a project of huemul's clonation that is supported by the government of Chile and Francia, by the program Ecos/Conicyt. You can see the article of this project in La Cuarta periodic here:

Dr. Mariana is a really nice person, she's very solidary with her students. Now I have a work that needs a little of help from a teacher of embryology and she is a specialist in that topic, so I asked her if she could help me and with none problem she accepted. And she's very calm and sweet with all of us, I think that she never get angry, maybe is because she did a floral arrangements curse called Ikebana. That's why I like her and why I think she is the best, beacause she tries to help us in our classes and with our works, she is very careful with the students, she dedicates her time to creat different strategies for the students to learn more easily the multiple ebryology points.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009


I have to say that this wasn't my first option, it was nursing, obstetrics was my third one. I still want to be a nurse, but first I'm going to finish my career and then I will study nursing validating subjects, but obstetrics called my attention always.
An obstetrician works with the woman and her environment, with the pregnancy, the labour, and the child care. Also, an obstetrician educates to the society about sexuality and the different kinds of cares about it.
We need a lot of tools to give an integral service in the future like gloves, masks, vaginal speculums, uterine depressors and of course our disposition.
My favorite subject is "Introduction to the social science in the health atention I", especialy antropology because I think that it's great to complement the science with the humanities.
I don't regret to be here, I love my career and it's very nice to be here. I met great people and of course I'm really happy studying obstetrics. I hope I stay here till the end.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

my favorite photograph

One of my favorite things is to take pictures. I love to see a moment of my life in a piece of paper and remember it for the rest of my life.

Well, I have a lot of favorites photos that I love to watch, from the places that I like to the most beautiful animals.

She's my cat; her name is Guatita and this photograph is taken by my boyfriend so that makes it more special. He took this photo the last summer.
She's lain on the table where she's always on summer. She's a little fat (that's the reason of her name) so she's always heated especially when the temperature is high.

This is one of my favorite photos because I love my cat, she's so cute. When I arrived to my house, she's always in her basket-house or in the table of my yard and when she feels that I'm coming she runs to me to says me hi with a miau!

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Aula digital

Well, I really don't have a favorite career-related web site but the one that I usually use is "aula digital".
Here is the link:
This web site allows me get information about my classes at the university, my marks, the power points that my teachers use on classes and to know what's happening with my class everyday.

I knew about it because of my teachers. They told us about the existence of this site and that we could get there just with our university passport .
You just have to link the medicine faculty site of the university and at the left side of it, where says "pregrado", you click it and then at the right side of the site says "aula digital", so you click there and you get to the "aula digital".

I have to visit it every single day, because this web site let me knows all the things that are happening with my obstetrics classes so is very indispensable check it out.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

My mp3.

An mp3 is a little music player that saves songs, you can listen to the radio and also you can save information. Is very usefull because it's kindda tiny so you can hide it anywhere.

My mp3 was a gift from my parents two christmas ago. I was so exited when I got it because I always wanted an mp3.

Well, is very easy to use, I just press three buttons and I can listen my favorite songs.

I use it everyday: on the way to university and in the way back home, when I do math homeworks and if I get bored on clasess.

I really like it because it's small, very usefull, and the most important thing is that I can listen music in a very confortable way.
If I wouldn't have my mp3, my life would be very diferent, I think, because I wouldn't have my music or the radio, and i just can't walk without music.

*my mp3 is the purple one.

bye bye.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

hello people

My name is Constanza, I'm 19 years old. I was born in Santiago, Chile. My birthday is on january 18th. I'm studying obstetrics at the University of Chile. I like to be here because I think that this is the best university of my country.
I live with my parents and my two brothers, my father is an engineer, my mother is studying podology, my brother is in law school and my sister is at the school. I have two dogs and two cats and I love them.

I like to listen music, like rock. My favorite bands are The Ramones, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, etc. I play guitar and I think that's a therapy to me because it calms me a lot. I love cats, they are my favorite animals, if I could be an animal i'd like to be a cat.

I think that learn english is very important because is the "universal lenguage", that means, that almost the half of the world speak english, so if I have to travel to some place I have to use it to comunicate with other people.

That's all for now.

See you soon. bye.